
news/2024/5/18 23:22:44 标签: javascript, salesforce, apex

在Salesforce中,你可以通过自定义JavaScript按钮或链接来触发Apex代码的执行。这可以通过使用JavaScript Remoting或Visualforce页面来实现。以下是一些步骤来将JavaScript按钮与Apex代码链接起来:

使用JavaScript Remoting链接JavaScript按钮到Apex代码:

  1. 创建Apex类:首先,创建一个Apex类,其中包含你要执行的Apex代码。这个Apex类需要使用@RemoteAction注解来标记方法,以便从JavaScript中调用它。
apex">public class MyApexController {
    public static String executeApexCode() {
        // 在这里编写你的Apex代码
        // 返回任何结果
        return 'Apex code executed successfully';
  1. 创建JavaScript按钮:在对象的设置中,创建一个自定义JavaScript按钮。在按钮的JavaScript代码中,使用JavaScript Remoting来调用Apex代码。下面是一个示例按钮的代码:

var result = sforce.apex.execute("MyApexController", "executeApexCode", {});

// 处理Apex代码执行的结果
  1. 关联按钮:将这个JavaScript按钮与你的对象相关联,以便在记录详情页上显示它。


  1. 创建Visualforce页面:创建一个Visualforce页面,其中包含你的JavaScript按钮。在Visualforce页面中,你可以使用<apex:page>标签的standardController属性指定对象,然后在页面中包含JavaScript按钮。
<apex:page standardController="Your_Object__c">
        function executeApexCode() {
                function(result, event) {
                    if (event.status) {
                        // 处理Apex代码执行的结果
                    } else {
                        // 处理错误
                        alert('Error: ' + event.message);
    <button onclick="javascript language-javascript">executeApexCode();">Execute Apex Code</button>
  1. 关联Visualforce页面:在对象的设置中,创建一个新的JavaScript按钮或链接,然后将其链接到上面创建的Visualforce页面。


Calling a Lightning component from a Classic custom button involves a slightly different approach than doing it in Lightning Experience. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Create a Visualforce Page:

    To bridge the gap between Classic and Lightning components, you can create a Visualforce page that contains your Lightning component.

    • Go to “Setup.”
    • In the Quick Find box, enter “Visualforce Pages” and select it.
    • Click “New” to create a new Visualforce page.

    Here’s an example of what the Visualforce page might look like:

    <apex:page >
        <apex:includeLightning />
        <div id="lightning-component-container"></div>
            $Lightning.use("c:YourApp", function() {
                    function(component) {}
    • In this example, replace "c:YourApp" with the name of your Lightning app (if applicable) and "c:YourLightningComponent" with the name of your Lightning component.
  2. Create a Custom Button in Classic:

    • Navigate to the object (e.g., Account, Contact) for which you want to add the custom button.
    • In the object’s page, go to the “Buttons, Links, and Actions” section and click “New Button or Link.”
  3. Choose Button Behavior:

    • Select “Visualforce Page” as the content source.
    • Choose the Visualforce page you created in step 1 from the dropdown list.
  4. Configure Button Properties:

    • Give your button a name.
    • Optionally, specify a label for the custom button that will appear on the object’s page layout.
    • Configure other properties as needed, such as behavior and display options.
  5. Add the Button to Page Layout:

    • Save the custom button.
    • After saving, add the button to the desired page layout. You can do this by editing the page layout for the object and dragging the button from the “Mobile & Lightning Actions” section to the “Salesforce Classic Actions” section.
  6. Test the Custom Button:

    • Save the page layout.
    • Go to the record detail page for the object you modified in Classic.
    • You should see your custom button (with the label you specified) on the page.
    • Click the button to execute the Visualforce page, which in turn will load your Lightning component.

This approach leverages a Visualforce page as a bridge between Classic and Lightning components. When the custom button is clicked, it loads the Visualforce page, which then embeds and initializes your Lightning component.


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